Reactjs Rendering Practices: How to Boost the Performance of Web App?


The cost of building an app can be thousands of dollars, but if it’s not scalable, it’s not worth a dime. Scalable web applications are the key to effectively handling increasing numbers of users, transactions, and data volume without performance issues. As a result, the reactjs application loads faster and responds faster, thereby enhancing user experience in general. 

Studies have shown that no matter what kind of app you’re building or how big the website is, it should take no more than one or two seconds to load. 53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if pages take longer than 3 seconds to load. Also, a slow load time can negatively impact your Google ranking; lowering your brand’s reputation. 

In order to ensure a scalable web app, it is important to ensure that you choose the best front-end and back-end frameworks. This is not the end of the project, however. In order to ensure a scalable web app, ensure that your developers follow the best reactjs rendering practices. This article concludes with a brief explanation of reactjs rendering and the steps to ensuring scalable app performance. 

What is the Reactjs Rendering Process? 

Before learning thoroughly about the react rendering process, let’s learn the role of reactjs. ReactJS is a popular front-end JavaScript library that allows developers to build dynamic and interactive web applications. Reactjs is one of the best front-end frameworks widely used by a reactjs development company to build result-oriented web applications. It was initially released on Jordan Walke in 2013. 

The rendering process in React.js involves the conversion of a virtual DOM into the actual DOM that is rendered in the browser. When a React component’s state or props change, React re-renders the component and its child components, ensuring that the UI reflects the updated data.

Rendering is a crucial part of ReactJS because it determines how quickly and efficiently a web page will load. When a user visits your app, the time taken for the page to load can impact the overall user experience. By optimizing the reactjs rendering process, developers can build faster and more responsive ReactJS applications that provide a better user experience. 

Types of Reactjs Rendering Process: 

The following is the comparison table of primary types of reactjs rendering process- serverside rendering & client-side rendering. 

NoAspectServer Side RenderingClient Side Rendering
1DefinitionRendering of UI elements by using server-side programming languages.Rendering of UI elements on the client-side using JavaScript
2SEO More SEO-friendly Less SEO-friendly 
3Development TimeShorter development cycleDemand longer development cycle
4Initial Load TimeFaster due to the pre-rendered HTML contentSlower due to loading of large amounts of JavaScript
5Page SpeedSlower after initial load Faster after initial load 
6User ExperienceLess interactive, requires page reloads for dynamic updates.More interactive allowing developers to update dynamically without page reloads.
7CompatibilitySuitable for all.Modern browser with JavaScript support.
8Scalability More ScalableLimited Scalability

Benefits of Reactjs Rendering Process:

The following are the benefits of reactjs rendering process – have a look!

– Create reusable UI components

– Better Virtual DOM efficiency 

– Access to reliable development tools 

– Ample community support

– Smoother debugging procedure

– Improved code maintainability 

Best Practices to Follow to Improve Reactjs Rendering Process:

To improve the rendering process in a React.js web application and optimize its performance, here are some best reactjs practices to follow:

  • Organize files systematically
  • Choose Small and Specific Functional Components
  • Don’t Use Indexes as a Key Prop
  • Go with Pick Fragments Over Divisions
  • Initializing React Component State Without Class Constructor
  • DRY Your React Code
  • Use React Developer Tools
  • Use Snippet Libraries
  • Use React’s Pure Component: 
  • Make sure to test the code
  • Use a Fast and Secure Hosting Provider
  • Write clean and readable code using JSX
  • Implement proper routing with React Router
  • Handle errors and debugging in a ReactJS application


To sum up, improving the reactjs rendering process is essential for improving the performance of web applications. By following best reactjs practices, developers can significantly improve the efficiency and responsiveness of their applications.

It is crucial to understand that optimizing a React.js web application’s performance calls for knowledge and experience. Therefore, to deliver a scalable web application, be sure to hire developers who adhere to the most recent reactjs trends and efficient practices. Sufalam Technologies is a top-tier app development company with years of experience building web applications from the ground up and providing maintenance services. Get in touch with us today!