Myths Vs Truth About WordPress

Myths and Truth about Wordpress

For website creation, WordPress is considered the most popular CMS platform. The fact is WordPress runs more than 30 percent of the website on the internet.

Previously people used to prefer WordPress for blogging because WordPress was introduced as a blogging platform. Usually, people get confused with WordPress(dot)com and WordPress(dot)org

The fact is WordPress(dot)com is run by the company known as Automatic. Whereas WordPress(dot)org is software that permits you to create a website on your own. Because WordPress is the most powerful tools, you can use it to create a website for any type of niche including:

  • Social network
  • eCommerce store
  • Membership website
  • Community forums

Even though a lot of misunderstandings are there which are sufficient for beginners users to get confused and harm the reputation of the WordPress platform. In this post, we will learn about those 5 myths about WordPress. 

Myth 1: Only bloggers should use WordPress

Myth 2: WordPress is useful for only small scale businesses

Myth 3: The website created with WordPress do not look professional

Myth 4: Because WordPress is open source i.e. free, it is a low-quality website

Myth 5: Because WordPress is free, users can not connect to the support team for emergencies

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Myth 1: Only bloggers should use WordPress

WordPress for Bloggers

Previously people used to prefer WordPress for blogging because WordPress was introduced as a blogging platform. Usually, people get confused with and 

The fact is is run by the company known as Automatic. Whereas is software that permits you to create a website on your own. Because WordPress is the most powerful tools, you can use it to create a website for any type of niche including:

  • Social network
  • eCommerce store
  • Membership website
  • Community forums

You will have complete access to every aspect of your websites. Additionally, you will have control over 50,000+ plugins and extensions that can be used to design a website.

On the web, you will find that it is full of a number of WordPress tutorials that are easy to translate into different languages so that the user did not need to struggle to get help. Even customers can create fully functional and multilingual websites easily. For example, it only takes one click to create a sticky menu.

Myth 2: WordPress is useful for only small scale businesses

Small Scale Business

These are the most popular myths which get encouraged by premium website builder platforms.

WordPress is an open-source platform that means anyone from any country or city can get its code without paying. Plus you won’t be restricted for anything. Thus it’s bad for the eCommerce website. 

WordPress is a free and self-hosted platform that can be handled by anyone plus anyone can enhance its functionality for good performance according to their business needs. You will find that high traffic websites are using the WordPress platform only. Some of them are

  • The New Yorker,
  • Techcrunch
  • Variety

This example shows that WordPress is the best alternative for creating any type of business website for large and a small scale. 

Myth 3: The website created with WordPress do not look professional

Professional Looks

Most of the people’s mentality is that the person using the WordPress platform for creating their business website will pretend as non-professionalism.

Which is wrong. The fact is, WordPress is provided with a lot of advanced functionality but people oppose using them. Thus, their website kept looking simple and non-professional.

Despite that, on the internet, you will find thousands of WordPress themes that help you to change the appearance of your website. One of the best platforms where you can find most professional WordPress themes are sktthemes

Additionally, you can enhance the theme’s functionality with hundreds and thousands of plugins available on the internet. SKT Themes has more than 10 WordPress plugins that can be used for different kinds of websites.

Every plugin mentioned on this site is multilingual and responsive. Thus these plugins work with any theme you choose from the web market. They also provide free and paid versions of the best plugins to provide effective solutions for every kind of user. 

Myth 4: Because WordPress is open source

Open Source Platform

In the world of programming, the biggest movement and thinking is open-source. It helps developers to get benefit from it and create code for users all over the world.

Rather than creating a website from scratch people are able to create a website with the code developer shared, and easily test it with the WordPress reset plugin. No other people or developers can restrict you from accessing open-source projects. 

Thousands of developers from different corners of the world initiated and developed WordPress.

WordPress is made free, and open to all. Furthermore, anyone can not only view it but also they can modify and add new functionality to it. 

Myth 5: Because WordPress is free, users can not connect to the support team for emergencies

Customer Support

Actually, to some extent, it is true that WordPress does not have a special support system just like amazon and Google does.

But WordPress has something more exciting. It has an open friendly community that is available every time when the user is in need.

WordPress support is the place where anyone can ask a question without paying money and they will get help from a number of users across the world.

Plus every WordPress theme and plugin will have their special support team, documentation, and forum. 

For example, SKT Themes continuously work on users’ requirements and develop plugin and theme documentation according to it. But if you face any problem with our themes and plugins you can contact us directly through online forum support.